Domain FAQ

Who can register a Domain?

Anyone over the age of 18, or a registered company can register a Domain.

What types of Domain can I register?

Please see our domain selection Here, available terms and pricing.

What characters can a Domain contain?

Domains may only contain a-z, 0-9, and - (hyphen). Domains can be up to 63 characters long, excluding the extensions. Domain names are not case-sensitive.

Can I register multiple names at once?

Yes, you can register multiple Domains and multiple suffixes at once.

How long will my registration take?

Registration is instantaneous if paid by credit card. As soon as the registration is accepted the Domain will be live.

What does it cost to register?

Domain registration incurs a yearly registration fee. Pricing and the minimum number of years you can register vary. For a full list HERE

Can I register for multiple years?

Yes, it's possible to register Domains for up to 10 years each. Please check our pricing page for terms available.

Will I receive a tax invoice?

Yes, upon registering or renewing a Domain an invoice will be generated which will appear in the Invoices section of your webconnect Domain management console. Invoices are not posted. You will need to print out each invoice

What if I make a spelling mistake when registering a Domain?

If you make a mistake with a .nz name you can contact us within 5 days to cancel the name at no charge. All other extensions such as .com will be subject to standard charging. Be careful!

How do I transfer a Domain to you?

To transfer a .nz name you will need your UDAI, which you can obtain from your current host. A UDAI is your access code to manage your Domain. You can then go to our Transfer Domain page and enter the Domain and UDAI to transfer.

For all other names (.com .net .org .biz .info) you will need to unlock the Domain with the current registrar and obtain the EPP Auth Code. When you apply to transfer a Domain you will receive an email notification from the current host asking you to authorise or decline the transfer, as well as from our partner SRSPlus.

How do I transfer a Domain to another host?

For .nz names you will need to generate the UDAI from your Webconnect Domain management console and use it at your next host to transfer the name to them. For all other names ask the new host what their procedure is to transfer the name to them.

What is a UDAI?

UDAI is an acronym for Unique Domain Authorisation ID and is your access code for managing your .nz Domain.

How do I cancel a Domain name?

You can either let the Domain name expire or turn of the auto renew, or contact us to cancel the Domain.

How do I change the ownership of a Domain?

For .nz names you will need to complete our Change of Registrant form HERE.

For all other names (.com .net .org .biz .info) you can simply change the contact name associated with the Domain name in your Domain management console.

 Complaints and Disputes Policy?

if you believe Webconnect or one of our clients has breached one of more of our policies, or if you have a concern regarding our services please contact us by sending an email to  Complaints and Disputes

Webconnect Registrant Agreement ?

This Domain Name Registration Agreement is between  Webconnect ("Webconnect") and you and (if applicable) your agents. Registrant Agreement

How will I know my Domain is due for renewal?

The billing contact will receive email notification from us 75 days prior to your Domain name becoming due for renewal. Email notifications are then sent 60 days, and 30 days before expiration. If the Domain is still not renewed an email will be sent to the registrant contact associated with the Domain 5 days before expiration.

What happens if I don't renew my name?

For .nz Domains your Domain will be placed on hold for 90 days.During this time you will not be able to use the Domain, but you will be able to renew it. Once the 90 day period is over the name will be made available again for public registration.

For all other names (.com .net .org .biz .info) the Domain will be placed on hold for 30 days. You will be able to renew it for 5 days after expiry. Following that a fee will apply to renew the Domain, and finally the Domain will be made available for public registration.

What other services will I get with my Domain?

We offer free redirects, and free email forwarding for all your Domains.

Can I host a Domain with you but point it to another server?

Yes, our advanced DNS management allows you to point your Domain to another host's nameservers.

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