To set up the account you need your information about your account settings, including incoming and outgoing mail server details. Your system administrator or Internet Service Provider can give you this information.
You can include all messages in your mailbox or you can specify that only messages in your Inbox are synchronized.
To set up your account
Before you begin, make sure you are connected to the Internet.
Open Zimbra Desktop and in the right top corner, click Account Setup. If you already have an account on Desktop, click Set Up Another Account.
Select the type of account to set up, either Microsoft Exchange IMAP, IMAP, or POP. Enter the following information.
Account Name. This is the name you use to identify the account. This account name displays in Zimbra Desktop. If you are setting up multiple accounts, be sure to create a name to easily identify each account.
Your Full Name. Enter your name. This is not required.
Email Address. Required. Enter your email address for this account.
In the Receiving Mail section, enter the following
User Name. Enter the user name that you use to check your email. This is typically in the form of
Password. Enter the password you use to log into this account.
Incoming Mail Server. Enter the address of your incoming mail server. This is typically in the form of
Security. Select whether to Use SSL encryption when accessing this server. If your incoming mail server uses a different port, click Edit to change the port number. If you are uncertain what port your incoming mail server uses, contact your system administrator.
In the Sending Mail section, enter the following:
SMTP Mail Server. Enter the address of your outgoing mail server. This is typically in the form of
Security. Select whether to Use SSL encryption when accessing this server. If your incoming mail server uses a different port, click Edit to change the port number. If you are uncertain what port your incoming mail server uses, contact your system administrator.
Select Authentication if user name and password are required for sending email. If this option is selected, provide your User Name and Password.
Reply-to. If you want your Reply-to name and email address to be different than your outgoing name and email address, enter the Name and Email Address you want to use.
In the Synchronization Settings section,
Set the Schedule to sync with your server.
If you select manually, you must click Send/Receive on the Zimbra Desktop toolbar to synchronize your account with the Zimbra server.
If you select too short of time, such as 1 minute, your computer’s performance could be impacted.
You can change this setting any time by clicking Setup and selecting the account and modifying the setting.
Select in Messages In whether to sync all your folders or only your Inbox folder in your email account to Zimbra Desktop.
When you are finished, click Test and Save.
Zimbra Desktop validates your account information. If your account is successfully validated, you see the Service Created dialog. If your account is not successfully validated, you are returned to the Account Setup dialog so you can review you input and correct the information.
Click Launch Zimbra Desktop to open Zimbra Desktop. You can work in Zimbra Desktop as your account is being synchronized.